10 Things You Should Keep to Yourself | The Privacy List

Though we’ve sort of normalized Oversharing these days, there are just some things you’re still better off keeping to yourself. Sadly, many people don’t realize that until it’s too late. Maybe after sharing something personal and having it exposed or thrown back in their face. Maybe after having an idea stolen or being targeted because of their success. Keeping certain things private can protect your physical safety, mental health, help you avoid conflict, maintain healthy boundaries in all your relationships and just maintain general control of your life.

So, today I want us to talk about a few things every woman should keep private. And I want to stress the importance of being private before you need privacy. Because, Unfortunately, people tend to look for privacy after it’s already been breached. But the thing about information is once it’s out there there’s really no getting it back. So, the smart move is to be private before you need privacy. Which means moving in silence and being private as a general principle so you’re not scrambling for cover when things go wrong. So, if you want my top 10 things to keep to yourself, before it becomes an issue let’s get started!


Tony Blaschuk

  • @Sweetdreamz313 says:

    Yes you have to hush up even with family!

  • @PitaOshindonga says:

    Yaaayyyy!!!! So early today. ❤ from 🇳🇦

  • @iam_tanyaball says:

    You are the privacy queen ❤👸✨️

  • @JacquelineSmithGaston says:

    I’ve learned how to make moves in silence. I’ll let you find out when it’s out there for everyone to see.
    Privacy is very important to me.

  • @thobekamantshongo4458 says:

    I am a privacy queen as well😄🇿🇦,love u girl and thank you.

  • @themshann says:

    Omg new video again ❤

  • @stormyki6261 says:

    This is so good🩷🩷 So thankful for this channel. Some of these things, you learn the hard way. But you’re helping women avoid that by posting this

  • @TheFeminineUniverse says:

    Here’s the Privacy List as requested! Drop “PRIVACY QUEEN” in the comments if you want a video with my personal tips on how to maintain your privacy, navigate social media, and how to answer and avoid invasive questions. 💕💕

    • @lisaluckman says:

      Privacy queen!! 😊❤🎉

    • @kairosunltd130 says:

      Privacy Queen 👑👑👑😊☺️🥰😍🤗🤗🤗🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

    • @Miss_KatLee says:


      A tough lesson I learnt and still cringe till today when a friend mentions it in public… My medical condition, dear Lord, what did I do???

      So after mentioning my condition to this ‘trusted’ friend, she went on to misdiagnose me and advices me to never skip taking my meds, wtf I’m not any meds, I just have a condition…

      Then early this year, on the 1st a young lady past away from a certain illness and apparently my friend was worried about coz my condition has similar symptoms, like wtf, she has never seen me sick a day in my life but now she’s talking symptoms…

      And it was just yesterday when I jokingly mentioned something about needing an oxygen tank, guess what she had to take it to my condition…

      Like she don’t even know it, never heard of it and clearly doesn’t understand it… It’s just a condition, Not a disease I’m gonna die from, so yes pls, teach us how to avoid such conversations… Coz till this day, I live to regret it and mind you, I am generally private!

    • @Lunamo361 says:

      Privacy Queen 👑

    • @meganmarshall1801 says:

      PQ, please

  • @TheeCheleMarie says:

    My mother taught me at a very young age to not go out in the streets, blabbing to everyone about your business. I’ve learned that any future plans I have, I keep to myself until it’s completed.

  • @QBreezey says:

    Hi Lady! Happy Monday!I was so happy to see this video! Thank you for this. I would like the video on privacy queen. I feel like privacy is no longer valued and im so grateful that there are a few of us that still do. Also, if I feel like someone who im not too close with is over sharing with me, I’ve let them know politely that certain information shouldn’t be disclosed.

  • @mindfulblend166 says:

    Thank you very much. I wish I knew this earlier, but it’s never too late. PRIVACY QUEEN PLEASE❤

  • @candiluv8287 says:

    Wonderful video.
    Another thing we should keep private is our religious views. This is coming from a woman who had to learn about this the hard way.

  • @GymGirlAdvice says:

    Privacy is so undervalued in an era where social media and oversharing is so common! It makes you so much more magnetic to be intentional about what is shared and what isn’t 💕

  • @katechipata9934 says:

    Privacy Queen

  • @hesable007 says:

    I definitely learned my lesson about over sharing.

  • @meeunice says:

    My mummy always tells me to live well is to live hidden. The evil eye is real.

  • @lou15176 says:

    Thank you 🙏 for number 9! What an absolute gem 😊 I am often over sharing with the random thoughts. Great to be aware of this ❤ x

  • @NellyMariaArt says:

    Glad I learned to keep my business to myself early in life. I remember a woman got mad when I didn’t tell her my income lol. People want to size you up and be nosey.

  • @IreneThomas says:

    Number 9 is for meeee.. Thank you sis

  • @sivialove475 says:

    I really needed to see this video. Lowkey felt like I’ve been over sharing alot as of recently and this is weird because I’m naturally a private person. and although you mentioned that “people tend to look for privacy after it’s been breached” im still going to move accordingly and keep certain things to myself going forward.

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