Get to Your NEXT LEVEL | 6 Things Keeping Women Stuck

Tangible Change Video Link –

It is normal to want an amazing life. I think that’s a major reason why self-improvement, self-development and the concept of leveling up, have all been hot topics for quite a while now. And a lot of us love to soak up information on these topics in every possible format and we enjoy seeing the positive effects it can have on our lives.

But today I want to talk to my ladies who might feel like something is just not clicking for them. Like there’s a disconnect between where they are and where they feel like they should be considering their efforts and their interest in improving. Since the first step to solving a problem is accurately identifying it. I want us to discuss 6 possible reasons you may be feeling a little stuck despite your best efforts and…find some solutions of course. So, If you could use some of that, let’s get started!

Tony Blaschuk

  • @jennymayashley says:

    i came here sooooo quick! i was literally watching two specific one of your videos back to back for like 2 hours now. so people having short attention spans oh hunny not me!!! i have those certain videos on replay. im so excited for this video thank you so much for your hardwork and life changing videos i am so very grateful for the feminine universe! have an amazing day and happy new year queen! #consistencytips

  • @je-fineE says:

    Consistency tips!!❤💯

  • @jamaciag09 says:

    Thank you so much for this video! Everything I needed to hear in one video.

  • @TheLeslieMichelle says:

    Consistency tips, please. 😊

  • @Everythingessdot says:

    This came at the perfect time for me 🥺💕

  • @nneka8861 says:

    Consistency tips please! And thank you 🥰

  • @wileyann9449 says:

    Consistency tips ✨

  • @cherissewilliams8748 says:

    You’re so right! Consuming content can’t do the work for you. I was guilty of buying self help books and watching tons of videos expecting my life to change. Something clicked for me here and I finally started focusing on “doing” more than “consuming” and everything changed. Fitness, journaling, boundaries, skincare, style. Thank you for putting this into words🥰🥰🥰

  • @BeautyUniverse44 says:

    Discipline requires action and living your best life is all about achieving your goals!! I love goal setting and glowing up and finally started my own channel in 2025!! Cheers to OUR year ladies

  • @oiam.2339 says:

    Consistency tips 👏🏽

  • @taxtechnicians8939 says:

    These videos about stages came right on time! Thank you!

  • @themshann says:

    You’re spoiling us with two videos this week 🥰

  • @reinaafricana6423 says:

    Thank you for this video. The main message I received from this video is “Practice makes progress.”❤❤❤❤❤

  • @sunlight8366 says:

    Your channel and content are more of a blessing than you’ll ever know. Thank you so much !!!
    Yes, I’d love a video on Consistency Tips. That’s something I’m working on this year as well.

  • @tikax2085 says:

    Love your content!! Consistent tips please !

  • @euphoricleo says:

    Consistency tips❤

  • @msmarisadenise says:

    Hello ladies! The last key is my favorite, there are no shortcuts. I feel so much better giving myself grace and embracing the journey. TFU thank you for sharing such priceless advice with us. You are greatly appreciated!💖

  • @veeedgee says:

    Honestly, this video is right on time. I appreciate how your stance is coming from a place of encouragement. 🥰💖

  • @lexe9724 says:

    ❤❤❤❤❤ thank you! You always come through at the perfect time, dropping gems 💎 !! 💐👑

  • @TonjaWade says:

    I’ve been working on not feeling guilty for wanting something amazing!! I’ve always been different, and I want an existence that’s extraordinary, and that makes me happy!💰😄✨

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