8 Ways People Change When You Level Up | Be Prepared

Feminine Strategy –
Feminine Dark Side –

When you choose to level up in life, a lot of amazing, wonderful things start to happen. As you’re pursuing your best life on every level. You’ll gain confidence, you may notice you attract more attention and even receive special treatment in certain situations. But while we’ve touched on the some of the benefits of leveling up and feminine privilege in a few videos, there are some less-talked-about negatives or cons that can also come with this transformation. And since I was recently talking to a friend dealing with this in her journey and I’ve gotten quite a few comments from women in this community who are dealing with this as well.

Today I want us to talk about 8 changes and reactions you may deal with from the people around you as you upgrade your life, so you’ll be prepared. And I want you to remember experiencing these things doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong. they are a reflection of the people exhibiting these behaviors not you. Ok?


Tony Blaschuk

  • @choiceokubio6637 says:

    My Lady ❤, you are simply amazing

  • @rebeccamikaelson3005 says:

    Level up protection

  • @mellyunique8799 says:

    What a great video! This video drop in the right time I am going through this right now 😂

  • @nellyorny says:

    Level up protection❤

  • @luckyjasss8466 says:

    Great video and level of protection please!

  • @GoldenLionessxo says:

    Level up protection 💕

  • @testdep says:

    7:45 One of the best advices I received in my life – if they don’t like you today, they won’t like you tomorrow.
    I wish someone told me this in my 20s or early 30s. So much time WASTED trying to reason with ppl who ‘try me’ or made their life goal to ‘humble me’ or simply didn’t like me as much. What a waste it was trying to make them see reason!
    And this advice goes both with friendships, family, romantic, every interaction in life.

    • @redeemedbygrace2019 says:

      Wow, you are dropping gems! I am definitely going to have to save that!
      Someone once said “you can’t reason with demons” because there was always a part of me that wanted to be like “why did they/do they/…etc” but really whatever demon is working through them be it willingly or unwillingly you cant reason with it and I still struggle with grasping that still.

    • @testdep says:

      @@redeemedbygrace2019 TY and spread the word! Yep, no matter what we do, we can’t reason with them and can’t please them. If a demon is really annoying I just leave it to God, he’s perfectly equipped to deal with them.
      It’s not a job of a human to deal with broken and distorted beings. Our job is to identify them and disconnect.

  • @tiffanyanderson9437 says:

    Level Up Protection

  • @testdep says:

    I think we need a separate video on the topic of jealousy.
    Most of my life I was completely oblivious to the ppl being jealous and made tons of mistakes because of it. Often I couldn’t believe some ppl are jealous (esp family.. and even some men!).

  • @T0UCHE says:

    Right on time✨ Level Up Protection

  • @IreneThomas says:

    Thank you so much for this 🙏🏽.

  • @Miss_KatLee says:

    Always on point and one step ahead of all level up content created on YT 👊🏽

  • @TheeCheleMarie says:

    I loved every second of this video! Once again, you hit this out of the ballpark. One piece of advice I remember receiving and it stuck with me until this day was to, “stop caring about the opinions of those who you wouldn’t trade lives with.” Once I did that, those same people who looked like “giants” were now small and insignificant.

    Thank you again for this much needed video. Level up protection! 🥰🤗💗💕🥂

  • @janelleodionu3631 says:

    You are a very smart lady with great content!!

  • @alwaysyouramanda says:

    Another wild one to me is they can have it ALL and still feel threatened by your potential.

  • @risingphenoix9292 says:

    I always look forward to your videos! I’m so thankful and grateful for this community. ❤ Level up protection

  • @mindyourspirituality570 says:

    Level up Protection!!! 🙌🏾

    Giiirrrl you are telling no lies in your videos, but this one hit the nail on the head. Especially from men you know.

  • @sabahfitness says:

    Absolutely love this, thanks for the reminder at the end! It hit home for me 💕

  • @jamiepaulse9898 says:

    You have no idea how I’ve been waiting for this video. THANK YOU!! ❤❤

  • @Xo_Chante__ says:

    Level up protection! I love these videos! Please keep them coming! 💕

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