Pretty Girls Don’t Complain


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Dr Daf Show:
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Mornings with Michelle:

Video Timestamps
00:00 – 00:09 | Introduction
Quick greeting and welcome to The Dr. Daf Show.
00:10 – 00:45 | Setting the Tone
Dr. Michelle Daf introduces the topic: personal growth and mindset for the new year.
00:46 – 01:02 | The Power of Thoughts
Discussion on how negative thinking can derail goals.
01:03 – 02:12 | Personal Struggles with Negativity
Dr. Daf shares her past experiences with negative environments and mindset.
02:13 – 03:26 | Realization & Shift in Perspective
The importance of monitoring thoughts and avoiding complaints.
03:27 – 04:38 | Mentoring Experience
A story about a young woman struggling with habitual negativity.
04:39 – 05:46 | Recognizing Complaining Habits
How complaints impact self-perception and daily interactions.
05:47 – 06:40 | Complaining vs. Acknowledging Reality
Differentiating between stating facts and dwelling on negativity.
06:41 – 07:46 | The Ripple Effect of Negativity
How negative mindsets influence family, children, and relationships.
07:47 – 09:43 | Breaking Free from the Habit
Personal examples and strategies to shift away from a negative outlook.
09:44 – 12:23 | The "But the Good Thing Is" Technique
A method to reframe negative thoughts with gratitude.
12:24 – 16:00 | Final Advice & Encouragement
Practical strategies for embracing positivity and improving mindset.

Thank you for watching!

Tony Blaschuk

  • @user-uq3ow1ix4f says:

    Why does this video show up on my feed the second I was thinking about rewatching the show Daria for the 10th time since the early 2000s. 😂

  • @lslife542 says:

    This is so timely. I need to be more self aware of my complaints. thank you for this video! xoxo

  • @juju4027 says:

    This video was such a good reminder! ❤ I have a work colleague who always complains about work and privately texts me to vent about her personal problems, and I am really suffering from that. When I told my boyfriend, he said that I was basically a light version of her 😅 I was always aware that I have those tendencies, but now I know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of all that negativity. So I really want to become better and more positive

    • @drmichelledaf says:

      I’m sure that stung to hear but it’s good that he was honest with you to help you. And hopefully you can limit how much you talk to the co-worker and set boundaries around yourself. Thank you for sharing honey.

  • @user_abcxyzz says:

    It’s kind of ironic because you’re complaining about people complaining 😂

  • @lovinglife58 says:

    Thank you so much for this! By listening to you, I realized I actually have been complaining without really knowing it. Now I will be more aware.

  • @katej910 says:

    I really needed to hear this. I also have a habit of trying to keep it real (ie complaining).

  • @christycooks6269 says:

    Wow!!!I needed to hear this ❤❤❤

  • @sophiegai805 says:

    You look stunning 🥰This is such a God-sent video, thank you very much Dr. Michelle. I’ve also struggled with this and realised its because I am always around someone that’s a covert complainer and critic. Praying that God works in her heart and helps me move out as soon as possible.

  • @sondanjy6694 says:

    Loved it!

  • @Blissful8640 says:

    Thank you Michelle. These days, I pray everyday that God makes me self aware of any negative traits I may be exuding. And just to be aware of what I am consuming and who I am surrounding myself with

  • @Maggs3 says:

    It’s exhausting hearing someone complain all the time 🤦🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️

  • @Jaycarbrownie12 says:

    I have a bad habit of complaining and I’ve been working on it

  • @Kandidkonversationswkam says:

    Always right on time Dr.Daf 🤍

  • @alwaysthemore says:

    You look beautiful✨ great video💕

  • @beautifulllb9493 says:

    Thank you, this was timely! I’m pregnant and this is something that I struggle with. I complain about my symptoms and having to work to my husband a lot. I feel bad and it is something that I will work to stop. This is temporary, and I’m extremely thankful to have my husband here to help me, and to provide for us when our baby comes.

  • @buhlemkhwanazi9366 says:

    People who like to complain or are overly negative are so draining to be around 😢🤦🏽

  • @JocelyneRojas-zs7xp says:

    Thank you, this came at such a perfect time and you’re an inspiration❤ I have a habit I’m working on of focusing on the negative and complaining to my partner about it. He has mentioned in the past that my energy impacts our environment and I didn’t get it but thanks to him I am becoming much more aware of it and actively try and battle it.

  • @LindsayGrandberry says:

    You look beautiful like always!!! Great message!!!! xoxoox

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